& Publications




Events 2010 - 2011

20/09/2011: Islam in Brussels,

with Felice Dassetto.

Felice Dassetto is ordinary professor emeritus from the Catholic University of Louvain and presides the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Islam in the contemporary World (CISCOW). He is a member of the Belgian Royal Academy. His book, The Iris and the Crescent (Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2011) overviews the diversity of Islam in Brussels and its place in our city-region.

Brussels Summer University 2011

03/09/2011 — FUSL

Organised by Aula Magna

Brussels' governance

Cycle of 4 Breakfast Hearings

15/03/2011: Brussels' external governance: the metropolitan question,

with Caroline Van Wynsberghe (UCL) and Tim Cassiers (VUB).

03/03/2011: Brussels' internal governance: the fusion of Brussels' communes,

with Philippe Moureaux (mayor of Molenbeek)

22/02/2011: The equitable financing of Brussels,

with Magali Verdonck (FUSL), Geert Jennes (KULeuven - Vives) and Tom Van Puyenbroeck (HUBrussel).

The Board of Administration of the Region's Economic and Social Council will be joigning us for this occasion.

15/02/2011: Brussels' democratic governance: how to organize European citizens' voting rights at the regional level and the examples of european city-states (Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Vienna),

with François Tulkens (FUSL), Tibor Vaszi (DG Justice - Union Citizenship, European Commission) and Claus Müller (Gemeinsame Vertretung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg und des Landes Schleswig-Holstein bei der Europäischen Union)

Brussels Citizens University 2010 :
Where is Brussels heading? Attempt at collective intelligence.

1-3 octobre 2010

Organised par Aula Magna, in collaboration with ULB, VUB and FUSL

We wish to inform you that a great many of the speakers' presentations and syntheses of the BCU are now available online, together with a press review, here.

03/06/2010 - The Regional Plan for Sustainable Development

with Benoît Périlleux, Advisor at the Cabinet of the Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region Charles Picqué.

Click here to download the presentation.


28/05/2010 - Workshop : Efficient education in multilingual cities

How schools face the linguistic challenge in Barcelona, Luxembourg and Brussels

Click here to download the synthesis :

Philippe Van Parijs, Comment réussir l'école plurilingue? L'enseignement du Luxembourg et de Barcelone face au défi linguistique

Click to download the presentations :

F.Xavier Vila i Moreno - Nacho Vila Mendiburu : Language(s) and Education in Barcelona

Jean-Jacques Weber : Language-in-Education Policy in Luxembourg

Gudrun Ziegler : Linguistic aspect of education (in the city) of Luxembourg


31/03/2010 - Cityboom

with Prof. Dr. Patrick Deboosere, Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Dimokritos Kavadias, Vakgroep Politieke Wetenschappen (POLI), Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Micheline Lambrecht, Premier Chargé de mission, Bureau fédéral du Plan.

Click to download the presentations :

Patrick Deboosere: De bevolkingsprojecties 2007-2060 van het federaal planbureau en de toekomst van Brussel

Micheline Lambrecht: La population de Bruxelles-Capitale: l'évolution comparée aux perspectives

Dimokritos Kavadias: Onderwijs in Brussel: de situation in het Nederlandstalige basisonderwijs


23/03/2010 - Kickoff evening for Aula Magna's 2010-2011 activities

Presentation of the book "Brussels' civil society mobilizes itself".


Août 2008 - Avril 2009: Citizens' Forum of Brussels


Earlier events

24/06/2008 - Islam in Brussels: an overview

with Mohamed El Battiui, currently writing a thesis at ULB, author of monographs about Islam in Brussels, ordered by the King Baudouin Foundation.


13/02/2008 - The shortcomings of Brussels' educational system: 10 indicators to understand

Donat Carlier


20/12/2007 - Imaging & Imagining the City

Vincent Calay, Eric Corijn

A synthesis of this conference-debate is available here (in French).


13/12/2007 - What borders for Brussels?

Public conference & debate.

Click here to download the conference proceedings.


25/10/2007 - The Financing of the Brussels Region and its Communes

Philippe Cattoir, Etienne de Callataÿ & Pol Zimmer

A synthesis of this conference-debate is available here (in French).


02 & 03/03/2007 - Aula Magna Colloquium - "The Challenges and ambitions of a capital Region"

Click on the links to download the Conference Proceedings:

Bruxelles comme métropole internationaleBruXsel internationaal metropool

Fiscaliteit, financiering en interregionaal financieële solidariteitFiscalité, financement et solidarité financière inter-régionale


Werkgelegenheid en MobiliteitEmploi et mobilité


Cultuur en StedelijkheidCulture et urbanité 

Earlier publications

The Population of Brussels Capital Region - Synthesis by Philippe Van Parijs (November 2005 Hearing)

Language Use and Linguistic Competence in the Brussels Capital Region - Synthesis by Philippe Van Parijs (November 2005 Hearing)